Should i retire or take a new job?
Making the decision to retire is a big deal, and signifies a major lifestyle change is coming. Let’s say you’re just four months away from your planned retirement, odds are you’ve been gearing up for this next stage and getting everything in order to enjoy your life of leisure for a while now.
You’ve got a decent nest egg and you’re ready to really hone your golf game. What happens, though, if a perfect job comes along in this situation?
Let’s say you’re offered a position that’s five minutes from your house, with good benefits, no workplace drama or stress and a good friend who works at the same company and says it’s great.
Oh, and let's say that the job provides just half of your current pay — but the pay is pretty close to what your retirement income would be.
Should you stick with your plan for retiring in this situation or should you take the lower-paying job that allows you to get out of your current work environment sooner, keep insurance coverage for you and your spouse and delay collecting your retirement benefits to make your money last longer?
Here's what you should consider as you make this decision.